Ans :
- According to ancient Indian Mythology Yoga was developped and designed by Lord Shiva.
- "Yoga" or "Yog" i.e. YOG is the correct word and i.e. योगा एक गलत शब्द है - जबकि सही शब्द है योग (it means YOGA is a wrong Word while YOG is a Correct Word according to Origin of Yog - But because still there is a lot of miss spelled word YOGA is in use hence I am also using the Word YOGA in my Blog.
- According to Ancient History and Hindu Mythology - back to the chalcolithic age. The inscriptions found in Mohenjo Daro and Harappa have revealed the existance of God Shiva, seated in a Yogic Posture. The term Minakanna obtained in the inscriptions suggested the early ideal of yogic discipline. In those remote days the yogis noted for this asceticism and discipline, were addressed as Minas. Father Hereas observes, "that life of asceticism was practised in the pre-Aryan Proto - Indian Period, is evident from the fact that one of the inscriptions mentions "The Leaned Mines who dwell in the Caves".
- Shivayoga has been sponsored by these learned Mines. Three things stand out into bold relief about Shivayoga. (1). It is Historical for it has a history of more then Five Thousand 5000 Yrs. It goes back as far as the chelcolithic age.
- It is democratic in the sense that everybody is eligible to practice Shivayoga (Even Human as well as for Animals) irrespective of caste, colour, creed, rank, age and position.
- It is scientific in the sense that it is entirely based upon the laws of light and electricity.
- The term Yoga means union or harmony. Yog योग is derived from the root "Yuj", to join or weld together. In Yoga the embodied spirit is made to become one with the universal spirit (आत्मा और परमात्मा के मिलन को ही योग कहा जाता है) by certain physical and mental exercises. Yoga then signifies a spiritual condition of universal equality and God Union. When the individual spirit comes in contact with the universal spirit, then it realises its ultimate object of repose and all its movements acquire meaning and significance. Be it noted that, this union or contact is to be established in consciousness alone. If the union is effected through the repetition of Om, Soham or any other name of God, it is Mantrayoga; if through the catches, postures and breath control, it is Hathayoga; if through the control and concentration of the mind, it is Rajayoga; if through the discrimination between spirit and matter, between self and not-self, it is Jnanayoga; if through the development of finer emotions, it is Bhaktiyoga; if through the disinterested performance of actions, it is Karmayoga; if the union is effected through the concentration on the light reflected in Ishtalinga, it is SHIVAYOGA. In all these cases, union with the Universal is the one dominant and recurrent note, however different may be the process.
- IN योग:- श्चित्त- वृत्ति- निरोध: (is a Sansktir Word) Maning मन की वृत्तियों पर काबू पाना ही योग है |
IN ENGLISH - "Yoga is to Control the Mind Arttioan" or "Full Control Upon Ourselves is Called Yoga" or "Yoga is to control the thoughts of the mind".
IN AFRICAN - "Yoga is om die gees te beheer Arttioan", or "Yova is die gedagtes van die verstand te beheer". --------- Joga is die Unie van siel en God.
IN GERMAN - Yoga ist es, die Gedanken der Mind Control.
IN RUSSIAN - Йога для контроля мысли ума
IN ALBANIAN - Yoga është për të kontrolluar mendimet e mendjes
IN CZECH - Jóga je kontrola myšlenky mysli
IN GREEK - Γιόγκα είναι ο έλεγχος των σκέψεων του νου
IN LATVIAN - Joga ir kontrolēt domas prātā
IN SERBIAN - Јога је да контролише мисли ума
IN ARABIC - اليوغا هو السيطرة على أفكار العقل
IN DANISH - Yoga er at kontrollere tanker om sindet
IN HAITIAN CREOLE - Yoga se kontwòl lide ki nan tèt ou a
IN LITHUANIAN - Joga yra kontroliuoti širdies mintis
IN SLOVAK - Jóga je kontrola myšlienky mysle
IN ARMENIAN - Յոգա է վերահսկել մտքերը of the mind
IN DUTCH - Yoga is het beheersen van de gedachten van de geest
IN HEBREW - יוגה היא לשלוט על המחשבות של המוח
IN MACEDONIAN - Читајте е за контрола на мислите на умот
IN SLOVENIAN - Joga je za nadzor misli uma
IN AZERBAIJANI - Yoga çəkildikdə və fikirləri nəzarət etmək
IN MALAY - Yoga untuk mengendalikan fikiran fikiran
IN SPANISH - Yoga es el control de los pensamientos de la mente
IN BASQUE - Yoga da kontuan pentsamenduak kontrolatzeko
IN ESTONIAN - Jooga on kontrollida mõtted meeles
IN HUNGARIAN - Joga van ellenőrizni a gondolatait az elme
IN MALTESE - Yoga hija li jikkontrollaw l-ħsibijiet tal-moħħ
IN SWAHILL - Yoga ni kudhibiti mawazo ya akili
IN BELARUSIAN - Ёга для кантролю думкі розуму
IN FILIPINO - Yoga ay para makontrol ang mga saloobin ng isip
IN ICELANDIC - Jóga er að stjórna hugsunum í huga
IN NORWEGIAN - Yoga er å kontrollere tankene i sinnet
IN SWEDISH - Yoga är att kontrollera tankar i sinnet
IN BULGARIAN - Йога е да контролира мислите на ума
IN FINISH - Jooga on valvoa ajatuksia mieleen
IN INDONESIAN - Yoga untuk mengendalikan pikiran pikiran
IN PERSIAN - یوگا به کنترل افکار از ذهن
IN THAI - โยคะคือการควบคุมความคิดของจิตใจ
IN CATALAN - Ioga és el control dels pensaments de la ment
IN FRENCH - Yoga est de contrôler les pensées de l'esprit
IN IRISH - Yoga is é sin le rialú a dhéanamh ar smaointe an aigne
IN POLISH - Joga jest kontrola myśli umysłu
IN TURKISH - Yoga aklın düşünceleri kontrol etmek için
IN GALICIAN - Ioga é controlar os pensamentos da mente
IN ITALIAN - Lo Yoga è quello di controllare i pensieri della mente
IN PORTUGUESE - Yoga é controlar os pensamentos da mente
IN UKRAINIAN - Йога для контролю думки розуму
IN GALICIAN - Ioga é controlar os pensamentos da mente
IN ITALIAN - Lo Yoga è quello di controllare i pensieri della mente
IN PORTUGUESE - Yoga é controlar os pensamentos da mente
IN GEORGIAN - იოგა არის აკონტროლოთ აზრები და გონების
IN JAPANESE - ヨガは心の考えを制御することが
IN ROMANIAN - Yoga este de a controla gândurile minţii
IN URDU -من کے خیالات پر قابو پانا ہی وگا ہے
IN VIETNAMESE - Yoga là để kiểm soát những suy nghĩ của tâm
IN WELSH - Yoga yw rheoli meddyliau y meddwl
IN YIDDISH - יאָגאַ איז צו קאָנטראָלירן די מחשבות פון די מיינונג

Yoga is the Union of Soul and God.
El yoga es la unión del alma y Dios
Le yoga est l'union de l'âme et Dieu
یوگا کی روح اور خدا کا سنگم ہے
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ReplyDeletehi manish do u have any question related to Yoga ?
Deletemanish kumar ji kuch comments karo aap Yoga ke bare me, do you have any question related to health ?